Get Paid To Use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Get Paid To Use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Social Media and all make money online traffic. 
Online Social Media Jobs That Pay $25 – $50 Per Hour.

No Experience Required. Work At Home. 
Everyone wants to get paid to be on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

This is an online position – it’s open to people from all over the world! 

You need access to an internet-connected device such as a laptop, phone, or tablet (Android) and a regular internet connection and availability of at least 10 hours per week.

Current vacancies:

  • $950/week posting premade videos on YouTube
  • $840 per week for commenting on Youtube videos
  • $175/day for posting photos on Instagram
  • $175/day chatting on Facebook Messenger
  • Post images on Social media for $200 per day
  • $800 per week for asking questions on Quora
  • $175/day for uploading TikTok

For a full list of jobs, see here

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